What to do if you don't like shopping.

Or don’t have the time.

I get it. Shopping can be a chore. Especially if you’re feeling uninspired by your wardrobe. So with some fresh start, back to school vibes at our disposal let’s take this opportunity to snag a couple new items to freshen up your end of summer wardrobe.

So if you want to add some fresh pieces to your closet but aren’t interested in shopping or don’t feel like you have the time here’s where I always begin. 

Start with Color

Is there a color you gravitate towards? Something that makes you feel great? 

Is there a color that you’re complimented on when you wear them?

Hint: start with those colors!

At the moment stores have summer merchandise and some of their fall items so it is the perfect time to shop bright summer hues and more muted autumnal tones. If you’re experiencing some body changes and don’t feel comfortable in some of the styles on the racks then focus on accessories in colors that make you smile.

Headbands, earrings, bags, or shoes will help you feel like you’ve got something new and current without feeling like you’re trying to dress like a teenager.

Hint: Don’t try to dress like a teenager.

Not sure if what colors are best on you? Seasonal color analysis are popular again (after being brought to the limeline in 1973 with the book Color Me Beautiful by Carole Jackson). Current color charts are much more sophisticated than those of “last century” as the kids say. 

There is an app called My Best Colors that can help you discover what are the best tones for you. Once you have your pallet you can easily select items that will flatter your complexion which narrows down your shopping experience. No more overwhelm!

Select a Shape

Is there a particular style of clothing you feel most comfortable in? What do you already have in your closet that you love?

Hint: 20% of your closet is what you wear 80% of the time.

So while you don’t need to buy exactly the same items you already have, begin to pay attention to the silhouettes you gravitate towards.

Take your dresses - do you wear the shorter ones, the midi ones, or the maxi ones the most? 

Tops - do you like halter styles? Tshirt? Button up? Shop for a top in a style and a color you love.

Jeans - do you wear your skinny, boyfriend or trouser style the most? Go with what you like!

Hint: It’s 1,000% okay to wear skinny jeans - your confidence and comfort is more compelling than any trends.

Like seasonal color analysis there are ways to help define the clothing shapes that work best for your figure. Whether it’s the fruit method (apple, pear, carrot, peanut), the shape method (round, hourglass, straight) or a more sophisticated method like Kibbe style body types you can learn more about the most flattering silhouettes. Pinterest can be a black hole of dressing for your body shape information.

But for this first trip back to the store… stick to what you know and love! There is always time to try different styles but quick shopping wins will help to build up your excitement for trying them.

Clothing shopping can be a landmine field with emotions planted right under the surface. We all deal with doubt when it comes to our bodies. I’ve found myself, and I tell my clients, that taking a moment to pause and appreciate your body for everything it does can start to turn the tide to wanting to get dressed up again.

And, sometimes when we go out shopping we don’t find anything we like. Guess what? That’s OKAY! Sometimes it is easier to know what you don’t like than to know what you do. Use that to help you find colors and styles you want to add to your wardrobe. Be grateful for the time you spent exploring (or online browsing) and try again in a few weeks when stores have new styles.

If you’ve read this far and are still rolling your eyes saying “Yeah, sure Annie, I’ll just go shop for myself.” Then let me do the shopping for you! I’m constantly outfitting my clients and finding the pieces they love. 

Annie Peck