Closet Decluttering 101

Fall is all about embracing change and transition, so why not apply this to your wardrobe too? As the leaves change color and the weather cools down, it's the perfect time to declutter your closet. Even if your climate doesn’t change much this time of year use the turn of the calendar into a reason to clean house.

Ever heard the phrase “your stuff is your stress”? It gives you something to think about huh! Like a well-organized kitchen or laundry room or office, a well-organized closet can make your daily routine more efficient and help you rediscover long-forgotten pieces that can be styled for the season. I’m sharing some practical tips for decluttering your closet so you can rediscover the joy of getting dressed.

Set a Clear Goal

Before you dive into the decluttering process, set a clear goal for your closet. What do you want to achieve? Do you want to make space for new fall essentials, simplify your morning routine, or just enjoy a tidier space? Or all three! Having a clear objective will keep you focused throughout the process.

Because it is a process. Stock up on coffee, sparkling water, and snacks.

Empty Your Closet

The first step in decluttering is to take everything out of your closet. Yes, everything! This will help you see your entire wardrobe at once and make it easier to decide what to keep and what to let go. It's also a great opportunity to clean your closet thoroughly. Vacuum in the corners, dust, and run a dryer sheet over your hanging rails to minimize squeaking!

Quick Start With Seasonal Sorting

Since it's fall, focus on your warm-weather clothes. Separate your summer attire and store it away in bins or vacuum-sealed bags until next year. This will free up space for your fall and winter clothes, making it easier to access your current season's wardrobe. If you’re decluttering in the Spring switch it!

Answer Questions & The Three-Pile Method

As you go through your clothes, ask yourself a series of questions. Be honest with your answers!

  • Jeans:  Do you like the fit? Do they fit today? ( I always advise clients to let things go that don't make them feel good about themselves as they pass over them in their closet)

  • Sweaters: are they stretched out? Pilled? If yes, save them for cozy nights in if they aren't presentable to wear out and about or donate. A quick pass with a sweater shaver can freshen up pilled sweaters.

  • T-shirts: Are they sentimental? (NYSNC Tour Tee from 2003!? That’s gold.) Vintage is definitely in, so save and wear if that's your style! OR, if it’s not something you’re into anymore I always say "it's had it's time” and place it in the donate pile.

  • Blouses: Pit stains? Snags?  Doesn’t fit properly? Not into it anymore? Not needed in your daily life anymore? It can have a new home through donating.

  • Shoes: Seen better days but still love them? Take them in to a cobbler and get them resoled and polished or let them go.

As you answer the questions for each item pace them in to the appropriate pile.

  1. Keep: These are the items you wear regularly, love, and fit well. They're definite keepers.

  2. Donate/Sell: Clothes that are in good condition but no longer serve you can be donated or sold online. There might be someone else who could benefit from your items. *

  3. Discard: Anything torn, stained, or beyond repair should be properly recycled** or thrown away.

    *When working with clients I take even the stained/ holy pieces out with me because some donation centers weigh clothing by the pound to give money back to their shelter so things don't have to go straight to the trash!

    ** Retold Recycling, For Days, and various retailers accept clothing destined for the dump and recycle it for you.

Try Everything On

For the items you're unsure about, pile 1a is “Maybe Keep” and it’s OK to have this pile be large when you’re first decluttering. After everything is sorted try the items in this pile on. Sometimes, we forget about fantastic pieces that simply need to be styled differently. This step helps you make more informed decisions about what to keep.

Organize by Category

Once you've decided what to keep, organize your closet. You have some options here!

  • By Category: Hang similar items together, such as sweaters, dresses, and pants. This makes it easier to find what you need and plan your outfits.

  • By Color: Placing items in color groups is also a way to easily pair items together.

  • By Outfit: You can also group your closet by outfits. Planning them ahead is like meal prepping and then on a weekday morning all you have to do is reach in and grab the next outfit!

Seasonal Rotation

With the fall season in mind, place your fall essentials in an easily accessible location. Cozy sweaters, warm scarves, and stylish boots should be within arm's reach, so you can effortlessly put together those autumn looks. Pack away other season items to keep your closet more easily organized.

Invest in Storage Solutions

To maintain a clutter-free closet, invest in storage solutions like bins, baskets, and hangers. These will help you maximize your space and keep things organized. Vacuum-sealed bags are great for preserving seasonal clothes you've set aside.

Regular Maintenance

Don't let clutter accumulate again. Commit to regular closet maintenance, such as a monthly or quarterly review. This will help you identify items you no longer need, you aren’t wearing, and keep your closet organized year-round.

Fall is the perfect season for a closet declutter, setting the stage for a fresh start and a well-organized wardrobe. By following these tips, you can streamline your closet, making it easier to put together stylish fall outfits while eliminating the stress of a cluttered space. So, roll up your sleeves, embrace the change of the season, and give your closet the attention it deserves. Your future self will thank you for it.

Annie Peck